PLSC 2024 Details

Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC) 2024, Thursday, May 30 and Friday, May 31, 2024, at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC.

Day 1 – May 30, 2024

8:30 AM – Breakfast available
9-9:10 AM – Welcome – Ari Waldman – Lobby
9:10-9:20 AM – Logistics – Paul Ohm and Julie Cohen – Lobby
9:30-10:45 AM – Session 1
Ejaz Ahmed and Letian Cheng
How Advocacy Coalitions Affect State-level Privacy Legislation Outcomes in the US
Commentator: Ignacio Cofone
Room 6005
Gilat J. Bachar
Informed Bystanders’ Duty to Warn
Commentator: Richard Warner
Room 5020
Jeffrey Bellin
Criminal Procedure as the Law of Cooperation
Commentator: Kate Weisburd
Room 4002
Michael Birnhack
In Defense of Privacy-As-Control (Properly Understood)
Commentator: Alicia Solow-Niederman
Room 2001
Julie E. Cohen
Public Utility for What?: Governing AI Datastructures
Commentator: Salome Viljoen
Room 1000
Woodrow Hartzog, Jordan Francis, and Ryan Durrie
Against AI Half-Measures
Commentator: Ryan Calo
Room 2000
Ljubiša Metikoš and Jef Ausloos
The Right to an Explanation in Practice: Insights from Case Law for the GDPR and the AI Act
Commentator: Thomas Streinz
Room 5013
Joel Reardon and Serge Egelman
Anonymity, Consent, and Other Noble Lies: An Empirical Study of the Data Economy
Commentator: Jules Polonetsky
Room 4004
Alexis Shore Ingber
The Use of Screenshots in Internet Research: Law, Ethics & User Expectations
Commentator: Arianna Schuler Scott
Room 6006
Alessia Zornetta
Mandatory Interoperability
Commentator: Blase Ur
Room 5021
10:45-11:15 AM – Break
11:15 AM-12:30 PM – Session 2
Dan Bateyko
Grant Announcements as AI Policy Transparency
Commentator: HC Robinson
Room 5013
Caitlin Burke and Jennifer King
Understanding Children’s Online Safety: A Template Analysis
Commentator: Elana Zeide
Room 1000
Danielle Keats Citron
The Surveilled Student
Commentator: Laura Moy
Room 2000
Nina-Simone Edwards
Unfair and Deceptive Practices: You Found Who With My DNA?
Commentator: Maya Bernstein
Room 5021
Jelena Gligorijevic
Protest, Surveillance and Privacy
Commentator: Angelina Fisher
Room 6005
Johanna Gunawan
Dark Patterns as Disloyal Design
Commentator: Meg Leta Jones
Room 4004
Aliza Hochman Bloom
Suspicious Companions
Commentator: Nicole Ozer
Room 4002
João Marinotti and Asaf Lubin
Cyber Vigilantes
Commentator: Ido Sivan-Sevilla
Room 2001
Yan Shvartzshnaider, Noah Apthorpe, and Brett Frischmann
Designing Effective Privacy-Preserving Age Verification Systems
Commentator: Gabriel Nicholas
Room 5020
Alexandra Wood
Governing Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Synthetic Data as a Case Study
Commentator: Jim Graves
Room 6006
12:30-2:00 PM – Lunch
1:00-1:55 PM – Conversation with Government Regulators and Law Enforcers – 2000
1:25-1:55 PM – “Suggestion Box” with Ari – 2001
2:00-3:15 PM – Session 3
Jake Chanenson
Exploring Data Trusts as a Way to Safeguard K-12 Student Data
Commentator: Felix Wu
Room 5020
Mason Clark
Consumer Privacy and the Dobbs Disruption
Commentator: Kate Wojtkiewicz
Room 5013
Aleksandra Korolova, Basileal Imana, and John Heidemann
Auditing for Racial Discrimination in the Delivery of Education Ads
Commentator: Chinmayi Arun
Room 6006
Shirley Lin
Racial Privacy
Commentator: Siva Vaidhyanathan
Room 4004
Peter Ormerod
Privacy Law’s Incumbency Problem
Commentator: Jeffrey Bellin
Room 6005
Natalie Ram
Privileging Genetic Privacy
Commentator: Marcu Florea
Room 5021
Xiaoxin Shen, Eman Alashwali, and Lorrie F. Cranor
What Do Privacy Advertisements Communicate to Consumers?
Commentator: Kendra Albert
Room 4002
Ari Ezra Waldman
Compromised Advocates: Civil Society and the Future of Privacy Law
Commentator: Michael Birnhack
Room 2000
Kate Weisburd
Criminal Procedure Without Consent
Commentator: Kiel Brennan-Marquez
Room 2001
Rui-Jie Yew, Lucy Qin, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian
You Still See Me: How Data Protection Supports the Architecture of ML Surveillance
Commentator: Edward McNicholas
Room 1000
3:15-3:45 PM – Break
3:45-5:00 PM – Session 4
Shreyas Gandlur
Abortion, Federalism, and Data Blocking Statutes
Commentator: Ayelet Gordan-Tapiero
Room 5020
Eran Globus
Data Power and Vulnerability: A Privacy Framework for LGBTQ+ Communities
Commentator: Luke Stark
Room 6006
Naman Gupta, Kayleigh Cowan, Maximilian Zinkus, Rahul Chatterjee, Sophie Stephenson, Akhil Polamarasetty, Kyle Huang, David Youssef, and Rose Ceccio
A Case Study on Legal Evidence of Technology-Facilitated Abuse in Wisconsin
Commentator: Michele Gilman
Room 4004
Jeffrey Lowell Vagle
Resisting a Kehoe Doctrine for Privacy
Commentator: Pauline Kim
Room 2001
Sylvia Lu
Regulating Algorithmic Harms
Commentator: Jocelyn Aqua
Room 5013
Gianclaudio Malgieri and Daniel Susser
Digital Dependency: Needs, Vulnerability, and Power in the Platform Economy
Commentator: Stav Zeitouni
Room 1000
Sibylle Pouillaude
Safeguarding Intimate Privacy: Unveiling the Role of the Right to be Forgotten in the Digital Age
Commentator: Gloria Gonzalez Fuster
Room 5021
Maneka Sinha
Challenging Automated Suspicion
Commentator: Liana Pennington
Room 6005
Benjamin Sobel
A Real Account of Deep Fakes
Commentator: Ruobin Gong
Room 2000
Charlotte Tschider
Unto the (Data) Breach
Commentator: Andrea Matwyshyn
Room 4002
5:30-7:00PM – Reception

Day 2 – May 31, 2024

8:30 AM – Breakfast available
9:00-9:10 AM – Introductions/Logistics
9:15-10:30 AM – Session 5
Ella Corren
Measuring Privacy Law
Commentator: Gordon Hull
Room 6006
Brenda Dvoskin and Thomas Kadri
Big Tech Feminism
Commentator: Eran Globus
Room 4002
Fanna Gamal
The Racial Proxy
Commentator: Hannah Bloch-Wehba
Room 2001
Rohan Grover
The Social Construction of Expertise in the Privacy Tech Industry
Commentator: Ari Ezra Waldman
Room 5020
Sarah Lageson
Algorithmic Background Checks in the Real World
Commentator: Peter Winn
Room 6005
Calvin Liang, Jevan Hutson, and Emily Tseng
Impelling Intimate Data: Human-Computer Interaction, Security, Privacy, & Law
Commentator: David Rudolph
Room 4004
Paul Ohm
Sensitivity Focused Privacy Laws
Commentator: Christina Koningisor
Room 2000
Andrew Selbst
Artificial Intelligence and the Discrimination Injury
Commentator: Sari Mazzurco
Room 1000
Tomer Shadmy and Katrina Ligett
Reimagining AI Decentralization
Commentator: Steve Bellovin
Room 5021
Luke Stark
Platform Illegalism
Commentator: Kathy Strandburg
Room 5013
10:30-11:00 AM – Break
11:00 AM-12:15 PM – Session 6
Lindsey Barrett
(Enough) Personnel Is Tech Policy
Commentator: Smitha Prasad
Room 2001
Giulia Giusy Cusenza
Litigating Governmental Use of AI
Commentator: Ron Lee
Room 4004
Jake Goldenfein
Data vs Datasets
Commentator: Mihailis Diamantis
Room 1000
Scott Jordan
Bridging the Gap Between Legal and Computer Science Definitions of Personally Identifiable Information
Commentator: David Sella-Villa
Room 6006
Priyanka Nanayakkara and Jessica Hullman
What to Consider When Considering Differential Privacy for Policy
Commentator: Jayshree Sarathy
Room 6005
Gabriel Nicholas
Grounding AI Policy: Researcher Access to General-Purpose AI Usage Data
Commentator: Chris Conley
Room 5021
Madelyn Rose Sanfilippo and Alexis Tharpe
Contextually Normative Governance of Body-Cam Data
Commentator: Haolin Li
Room 4002
Jeremy Seeman, Palak Jain, and Daniel Susser
Privacy’s Odd Couple: Privacy Law and Privacy Engineering on Inference and Information Recovery
Commentator: Jeffrey Vagle
Room 2000
Daiquiri Steele
Surveillance as Retaliation
Commentator: Karen Levy
Room 5020
Carleen Zubrzycki
States as Laboratories of Post-Dobbs Medical Privacy
Commentator: Mehtab Khan
Room 5013
12:15-1:45 PM – Lunch
1:00-1:30 PM – Celebratory & Awards Announcement – Lobby
1:45-3:00 PM – Session 7
Dan Calacci, Wyatt Hornstein, and Chris Conley
Do DSARS Work for Workers?: Worker Data Subject Access Requests Under the California Consumer Privacy Act
Commentator: Will DeVries
Room 5021
Mihailis Diamantis
Against Contextual Integrity
Commentator: Kirsten Martin
Room 1000
Meg Leta Jones and Paul Ohm
Voting for Consent
Commentator: Fanna Gamal
Room 4004
Yafit Lev-Aretz and Aileen Nielsen
Privacy and Public Health
Commentator: Christopher Morten
Room 5020
Laura Moy
The Mysterious Case of Missing Laws: Solving the U.S. Privacy Puzzle
Commentator: Bill McGeveran
Room 2001
Kristin Oakley and Emma Ritter Gordon
Transunion’s Effect on Standing in Data Privacy Cases: An Empirical Study of Federal Appellate Law, 2021-2023
Commentator: Marc Canellas
Room 6005
Neil Richards, Andrew Serwin, and Ryan Durrie
Corporate Law’s Duty of Data Loyalty
Commentator: Dennis Hirsch
Room 2000
Ji Seon Song
Crisis Policing and Behavioral Bypass
Commentator: Andrew Sellars
Room 4002
Kathryn Storm and Robert Smith
The Electronic Monitoring of Youth in Milwaukee County: Rhetoric versus Reality
Commentator: Susanne Wetzel
Room 5013
Kelly Wang, Alana Mackey, Norrec Nieh, Ada Lerner, and Eleanor Birrelll
Paradigm Shifts: Comparing Prospective Privacy Law Paradigms to Privacy-Related Activism
Commentator: Eric Null
Room 6006
3:00-3:30 PM – Break
3:30-4:45 PM – Session 8
Amina Abdu and Abigail Jacobs
Legitimacy and the Algorithmic Turn in the Administrative State
Commentator: Julie Cohen
Room 5013
Pam Dixon
Collective Privacy Rights and Data Sovereignty in Indigenous Approaches to Privacy
Commentator: Asaf Lubin
Room 6006
Jessica Eaglin
Informational Intersectionality
Commentator: Gautam Hans
Room 2001
Andrew Ferguson
Video Analytics and Fourth Amendment Vision
Commentator: Katrina Geddes
Room 4002
Nikolas Guggenberger
Privacy Beyond Adhesion
Commentator: A. Michael Froomkin
Room 6005
Dariusz Kloza, Thibaut D’Hulst, and Malik Aouadi
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: On the Concept of Risk to the Rights and Freedoms of Natural Persons in EU Data Protection Law and How to Identify It
Commentator: Thomas Haley
Room 5021
Tiffany Li
The Legal Construction of AI
Commentator: Simon Sun
Room 5020
Jon Penney, Danielle Citron, & Alexis Shore Ingber
The Chilling Effects of Dobbs
Commentator: Jay Stanley
Room 1000
Daniel Solove and Woodrow Hartzog
The Great Scrape: The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy
Commentator: Gianclaudio Malgieri
Room 2000
Jordan Wallace-Wolf
A Fourth Amendment of People and Places: Three Foundational Claims About Geofencing
Commentator: Elettra Bietti
Room 4004
4:45-5:15 PM – Closing Remarks – Ari, Julie, Paul

Conference Participants

First NameLast NameInstitution
AminaAbduUniversity of Michigan
EjazAhmedGeorgia Institute of Technology
IfeomaAjunwaEmory Law School
EmineAkarKing’s College London
EmanAlashwaliKing Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia, and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), US
KendraAlbertHarvard Law School
NoahApthorpeColgate University
ChazArnettUniversity of Maryland School of Law
ChinmayiArunYale Law School
GilatBacharTemple University School of Law
KevinBankstonCenter for Democracy & Technology
LindseyBarrettDrexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law
SharonBassanKline School of Law, Drexel University
DanBateykoCornell University
Dr. ArleneBecklesFlorida State University Law School
JeffreyBellinWilliam & Mary Law School
StevenBellovinColumbia University
LaurenBernickODNI Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency
MayaBernsteinU.S. Dept of Health & Human Services
ElettraBiettiNortheastern University
MichaelBirnhackTel Aviv University
EleanorBirrellPomona College
JuliaBlairCalifornia Cradle-to-Career Data System
HannahBloch-WehbaTexas A&M
IsadoraBorges MonroyBerkman Klein Center
KielBrennan-MarquezUniversity of Connecticut School of Law
JonBresciaGeorgetown University Law School
CaitlinBurkeStanford University
DanCalacciPrinceton University
RyanCaloUniversity of Washington School of Law
MarcCanellasIEEE-USA AI Policy Committee & Maryland Office of the Public Defender, Forensics Defender
AliceCaoGULC Institute of Technology Law and Policy
AnupamChanderGeorgetown Law
LetianChenggeorgia institute of technology
DanielleCitronUniversity of Virginia School of Law
MasonClarkStetson University College of Law
KeithClayton IIMicrosoft
IgnacioCofoneMcGill University
JulieCohenGeorgetown Law
RobertColtonUniversity of Washington
ChrisConleyBoston University School of Law
AlissaCooperKnight-Georgetown Institute
EllaCorrenUC Berkeley School of Law
Giulia G.CusenzaUniversity of Udine
ThibautD’hulstVan Bael & Bellis
JohnDavissonElectronic Privacy Information Center
MihailisDiamantisUniversity of Iowa
MelodiDincerUCLA Law – Institute for Technology, Law and Policy
PamDixonWorld Privacy Forum
CharlesDuanAmerican University Washington College of Law
RyanDurrieWashington University in St. Louis
MaryDwyerGeorgetown Law
JessicaEaglinCornell Law School
Nina-SimoneEdwardsGeorgetown University Law Center
SergeEgelmanUC Berkeley / ICSI
MohamedElBaihThe George Washington University Law School
SaleshiaEllisUniversity of California, Davis
IrmakErdogan PeterKU Leuven Center for IT and IP Law
KatieEvansGeorgetown Law
KamrulFaisalUniversity of Helsinki
HamidahFamuditimiUniversity of Baltimore School of Law
AndrewFergusonAmerican University Washington College of Law
ShaneFerroLegal Aid Society NYC
AngelinaFisherNYU School of Law
MarcuFloreaUniversity of Groningen/ George Washington University
RogerFordUniversity of New Hampshire
GalForerBerkeley Law
JordanFrancisFuture of Privacy Forum
Sharon BradfordFranklinPrivacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB)
BrettFrischmannVillanova University
AFroomkinUniversity of Miami Law
JánosFürjEötvös Lorand University
FannaGamalUCLA School of Law
ShreyasGandlurPrinceton University; Yale Law School
JeffreyGaryFederal Communications Commission (FCC)
KnarikGasparyanGeorge Washington University, Elliot School of International Affairs
KatrinaGeddesNYU/Cornell Tech
MicheleGilmanUniversity of Baltimore School of Law
StevieGlabersonCenter on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law
JelenaGligorijevicAustralian National University
EranGlobusU Penn
SueGlueckTatters Inc (formerly Microsoft)
JakeGoldenfeinUniversity of Melbourne
RuobinGongRutgers University
GloriaGONZALEZ FUSTERVrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
AyeletGordon-TapieroHebrew University
JimGravesFederal Communications Commission
MirandaGrier-SpratleyPenn State University
MateuszGrochowskiMax Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
RohanGroverUniversity of Southern California
NikolasGuggenbergerUniversity of Houston Law Center
JohannaGunawanNortheastern University Khoury College of Computer Sciences
RanGuoStanford University
NamanGuptaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
MeldaGurakarUniversity of Pennsylvania Law School
ThomasHaleyUniversity of Florida
AnnetteHallbergUniversity of Maryland Francis King Carey Law
GautamHansCornell Law School
WoodrowHartzogBoston University School of Law
MikeHintzeHintze Law PLLC
DennisHirschThe Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
AlizaHochman BloomNortheastern University School of Law
TinaHoneyFlorida State University Law
GordonHullUNC Charlotte
JevanHutsonUniversity of Washington School of Law
AbigailJacobsUniversity of Michigan
PalakJainBoston University
NatalieJohnsonFlorida State University
D.R.JonesUniversity of Memphis School of Law
MegJonesGeorgetown University
ScottJordanUniversity of California, Irvine
HouryKandoyanCenter on privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law
VasundharaKaulPurdue University
RihokoKawaiGW law/ Toyo University
MehtabKhanHarvard Law School
Min CheongKimUniversity of Maryland College Park
PaulineKimWashington University School of Law
DanielKingYale University
JenniferKingStanford HAI/National Telecommunications and Information Agency
Mac MilinKiranGeorgetown University
KitimaKitima yangu dieumergiUniversity of South Africa
DariuszKlozaUniversiteit Gent
ShreyaKocharColumbia University
MonicaKodwaniGeorge Washington University
ChristinaKoningisorUC Law SF (formerly UC Hastings Law School)
AleksandraKorolovaPrinceton University
RobinKoshelevDuke University
FraukeKreuterUniversity of Maryland, LMU Múnich
MihirKshirsagarPrinceton University
MatthewKuglerNorthwestern University
ShwetaKumarGeorgetown University Law Center
SarahLagesonRutgers University
KeirLamontFuture of Privacy Forum
BenjaminLauferCornell Tech
ChristinaLee[Incoming] George Washington University Law School
RonLeeArnold & Porter
AbbyLemertLaw Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
YafitLev AretzCity University of New York
KarenLevyCornell University
HaolinLigeorgetown university law center
TiffanyLiUniversity of San Francisco School of Law
CalvinLiangNorthwestern University
DaviLiangNew York University – Digital Interests Lab
KatrinaLigettThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Artur PericlesLima MonteiroYale
ShirleyLinBrooklyn Law School
AnyiLiuUniversity of Bristol
AudreyLiuAmerican University Washington College of Law
BrandonLiuCFPB / FTC
SylviaLuUniversity of Michigan Law School
AsafLubinIndiana University Maurer School of Law
MichelleLyPartnership for Public Service
MarkMacCarthyGeorgetown University
AlanaMackeyNortheastern University
MaryMaddenGeorgetown University, Data & Society
Pritika MargueriteMagimaGeorgetown Law (Tech Policy)
GianclaudioMalgieriLeiden University
NathalieMarechalCenter for Democracy & Technology (CDT)
JoãoMarinottiIndiana University Maurer School of Law
AthinaMarkopoulouUniversity of California, Irvine
KirstenMartinUniversity of Notre Dame
AndreaMatwyshynPenn State Law/ Penn State Engineering
MichelleMazurekUniversity of Maryland
SariMazzurcoSMU Dedman School of Law
BrandonMcClainGeorgetown University
CameronMcCullochUniversity of Michigan
WIlliamMcGeveranUniversity of Minnesota Law School
MarkMcKennaUCLA School of Law
JasmineMcNealyUniversity of Florida
EdwardMcNicholasRopes & Gray / George Washington Univ. Law Adjunct
LjubisaMetikosInstitute for Information Law, Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam
SylvainMétilleLausanne University
ChristopherMillardQueen Mary University of London
PegahMoradiCornell University
ChristopherMortenColumbia Law School
LauraMoyGeorgetown Law
ScottMulliganSkidmore College
PriyankaNanayakkaraNorthwestern University
GabrielNicholasCenter for Democracy & Technology
EricNullCenter for Democracy & Technology
KristinOakleyUS Court of Appeals
PaulOhmGeorgetown University Law Center
NgoziOkidegbeBoston University
ClarenceOkohCenter for Law and Social Policy
PeterOrmerodNorthern Illinois University College of Law
FrancisOtienoUniversity of Nairobi
NicoleOzerACLU of Northern California
PatrickParhamUniversity of Maryland
JonathonPenneyOsgoode Hall Law School / Citizen Lab (U. of Toronto) / BKC Harvard
LianaPenningtonSaint Anselm College
Dr. AlexisPerdereaux-WeekesFlorida State University (College of Law)
JulesPolonetskyFuture of Privacy Forum
SibyllePouillaudeParis-Panthéon-Assas University
CatherinePowellFordham Law School (on leave)
JuliaPowlesThe University of Western Australia
SmithaPrasadGeorgetown University
LucyQinGeorgetown University
NatalieRamUniversity of Maryland School of Law
JoelReardonUniversity of Calgary
NeilRichardsCordell Institute @ Washington University
EmmaRitter GordonLockridge Grindal Nauen PLLP
HilaryRobinsonNortheastern University
NatalieRoismanGeorgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy
AndreaRothUC Berkeley School of Law
RaktimaRoyGeorgetown University
DavidRudolphLieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP/University of California College of the Law, San Francisco
JamesRuleCenter for the Study of Law & Society, UC Berkeley
TifaniSadekUniversity of Michigan
NgombaSanza juliaUniversity of Johannesburg
JayshreeSarathyColumbia University
AriannaSchuler ScottVirginia Tech
CharlotteSchultzGeorgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy
JeremySeemanUniversity of Michigan
AndrewSelbstUCLA School of Law
DavidSella-VillaUniversity of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law
AndrewSellarsBoston University School of Law
DestynieSewellUniversity of Nebraska Omaha
TomerShadmyHebrew University of Jerusalem
XiaoxinShenCarnegie Mellon University
zhuoyishendurham university
AlexisShoreBoston University
YanShvartzshnaiderYork University
Putri RumondanhSiagianUniversitas Sumatera Utara
SamanthaSimonsenGeorgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy
DalSinghUniversity of Oxford
ManekaSinhaUniversity of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
IdoSivan-SevillaUniversity of Maryland
RobertSloanUniversity of Illinois Chicago
BenjaminSobelCornell Tech
DanielSoloveGeorge Washington University Law School
AliciaSolow-NiedermanGW Law
AshkanSoltaniCalifornia Privacy Protection Agency
Ji SeonSongUCI School of Law
PatrickSongHarvard University
VaibhavSrikaranUniversity of Washington School of Law
JayStanleyAmerican Civil Liberties Union
LukeStarkWestern University
JeffStautbergUniversity of Virginia School of Law
DaiquiriSteeleThe University of Alabama School of Law
SophieStephensonUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
KathrynStormMarquette University
KatherineStrandburgNew York University School of Law
ThomasStreinzNYU Law
BilgesuSumerKU Leuven
SimonSunIndiana University, Maurer School of Law
DanielSusserCornell University
Christian WieseSvanbergDanish Defence Intelligence Service
MarikaSwanbergBoston University
OlivierSylvainFordham Law School
CelineTakatsunoUniversity of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
TrentTalbotAlbany Law School
AlexisTharpUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
SaraTinaUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Boston University
JanTolsdorfThe George Washington University
CharlotteTschiderLoyola University Chicago School of Law
EmeraldTseCenter on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law
EmilyTsengCornell University
BlaseUrUniversity of Chicago
JeffreyVagleGeorgia State University College of Law
SivaVaidhyanathanUniversity of Virginia
JorisVan HobokenUniversity of Amsterdam
AmeliaVanceWilliam & Mary
MuthuramakrishnanVenkitasubramaniamGeorgetown University
SalomeViljoenMichigan Law School
Ari EzraWaldmanUniversity of California, Irvine
JordanWallace-WolfUniversity of Arkansas
ANQIWANGChinese University of Hong Kong
JenniferWangBrown University
LingguangWangUC Berkeley School of Law
SherryWangGeorgetown University
RichardWarnerChicago-Kent College of Law
AnneWashingtonNew York University
KateWeisburdGW Law
SusanneWetzelStevens Institute of Technology
JakeWienerElectronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
PeterWinnU.S. Department of Justice
KateWojtkiewiczGeorgetown University
RichmondWongGeorgia Institute of Technology
AlexandraWoodBerkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
FelixWuCardozo School of Law
Sunda FloraYanguUniversity of lubumshi
Rui-JieYewBrown University
XiaoweiYuThe University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law
MadihaZahrahCornell Tech
ElanaZeideUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln
StavZeitouniNew York University School of Law
ChenZENGPaul Tsai China Center, Yale Law School
BengiZeybekUniversity of Amsterdam
ShuoZhangChina University of Political Science and Law
AlessiaZornettaUCLA School of Law
CarleenZubrzyckiUniversity of Connecticut School of Law