PLSC 2021

The 14th annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference occurred on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 and Friday, June 4th, 2021.


Day 1 – Thursday June 3rd, 2021

9:00 AM – 9:15 AM What’s New at PLSC: Ari Waldman, Northeastern University, PLSC ChairRoom 1
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM Welcome: Julie Cohen & Paul Ohm, Georgetown University, PLSC 2021 HostsRoom 1
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM First Session
Surveillance and the Tyrant Test by Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, discussion by Rebecca LipmanRoom 1
Reckoning with Roots: Constitutional Privacy and White Supremacy by Sophia Lee, discussion by Mariana OliverRoom 2
Data Protection in Africa: An Appraisal of the Data Protection and Privacy Act of Uganda by Joel Basoga and Paul Epodoi, discussion by Przemyslaw PalkaRoom 3
Empowering Digital Decisions: Designing Mobile Location-Based Services for Informed Location Data Disclosure by Alexis Shore and James Cummings, discussion by Lorrie CranorRoom 4
“In the Wild’ Trials of Live Facial Recognition Technology by Police: Why Responsible Trial Protocol is Urgently Needed and What They Should They Require? by Wenlong Li and Karen Yeung, discussion by Anne WashingtonRoom 5
Rethinking Platform Power by Mark Burdon and Tegan Cohen, discussion by Evelyn DouekRoom 6
Gender as Emotive AI and the Case of Nadia: Regulatory and Ethical Implications by Rachel Adams, Nora Ni Loidean, and Damian Clifford, discussion by Brenda LeongRoom 7
Privacy, Practice, and Performance by Ari Waldman, discussion by Salome ViljoenRoom 8
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM BREAK
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Take a break or virtually hang out at the Lounge on and meet other attendees 
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 2nd Session
The Aftermath of Carpenter: An Empirical Study of Federal and State Fourth Amendment Decisions, 2018-2021 by Matthew Tokson, discussion by Bennett CapersRoom 1
Bedazzle, Inscribe, Flaunt: Electronic Ankle Monitors and Intentional Information Disclosures as Resistance Practices by Lauren Kilgour, discussion by Jasmine McNealyRoom 2
A Constitutional Case for Peace in the “War on Cash” by Raul Carrillo, discussion by Kate WeisburdRoom 3
Privacy Governance in Contact Tracing Apps: A Comparative International Study by Alex Rosenberger,Madelyn Sanfilippo, and Yan Shvartzshnaider, discussion by Madiha Zarah ChoksiRoom 4
The GDPR and the Free Flow of Personal Data: The Tale of Persistent Borders by Michalina Nadolna Peeters, discussion by Michael BirnhackRoom 5
Coca Cola Curses: Dangerous Hate Speech in a Postcolonial Context by Brittan Heller, discussion by Kirsty HughesRoom 6
Making Data Private – and Excludable: A New Approach to Understanding the Role of Encryption in the Digital Political Economy by Brenden Kuerbis and Milton Mueller, discussion by Sebastian BenthallRoom 7
The Surprising Virtues of Data Loyalty by Woodrow Hartzog and Neil Richards, discussion by Lauren ScholzRoom 8
The Constitutionality of Data Privacy as Transparency Law by Margot Kaminski, discussion by Gautam HansRoom 9
Healthcare Sanctuaries by Medha Makhlouf, discussion by Craig KonnothRoom 10
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Lunchtime Break
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Junior scholar mentoring session. Hosted by Neil RichardsRoom 1
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM Listening session about current and future changes/goals of PLSC. Hosted by Ari WaldmanRoom 2
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM 3rd Session
A Partial Property Rights Theory of the Fourth Amendment: Getting to Privacy More Reasonably by Mailyn Fidler, discussion by Peter OrmerodRoom 1
Privacy as/and Civil Rights by Tiffany Li, discussion by Thomas KadriRoom 2
America’s Hidden National DNA Database by Natalie Ram, discussion by Barry FriedmanRoom 3
How the GDPR Champions Freedom of Expression and Information by Jef Ausloos, discussion by Margot KaminskiRoom 4
Making Artificial Intelligence Transparent: Privacy Fairness, and the Problem of Proxy Variables by Richard Warner and Robert Sloan, discussion by Emily McReynoldsRoom 5
Solving the Hiring Paradox: A Method to Address Bias in the Hiring Process Within the Law by Jad Salem, Swati Gupta, and Deven Desai, discussion by Pauline KimRoom 6
Virtual Classrooms and Real Harms by Shaanan Cohney, Ross Teixeira, Anna Kohlbrenner, Arvind Narayanan, Mihir Kshirsagar, Madelyn Sanfilippo, and Yan Shvartzshnaider, discussion by Angie RaymondRoom 7
Regulating Digital Contact Tracing for Communicable Diseases by Sarah Eskens and Natali Helberger, discussion by Jules PolonetskyRoom 8
Surveying Surveillance: A National Study of Police Department Surveillance Technologies by Mariana Oliver and Matthew Kugler, discussion by Victoria SchwartzRoom 9
How (Not) to Write a Privacy Law by Julie Cohen, discussion by Cam KerryRoom 10
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM BREAK
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM Take a break or virtually hang out at the Lounge on and meet other attendees
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM 4th Session
Katz as Originalism by Orin Kerr, discussion by I. India ThusiRoom 1
Race-Aware Algorithms: Fairness, Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action by Pauline Kim, discussion by Deborah HellmanRoom 2
The Cures Act API Rule: Implications for Health Information in terms of Access, Privacy, and Competitive Practices by Amanda Stanhaus and Denise Anthony, discussion by Charlotte TschiderRoom 3
Narrowing Data Protection’s Enforcement Gap by Filippo Lancieri, discussion by Justin HemmingsRoom 4
The Technologization of Insurance: An Empirical Analysis of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Privacy and Cybersecurity by Shauhin Talesh and Bryan Cunningham, discussion by Katie ShiltonRoom 5
The Legal Construction of Black Boxes: How Machine Learning Practice Informs Foreseeability by Andrew Selbst, Suresh Venkatasubramanian, and I. Elizabeth Kumar, discussion by Frank PasqualeRoom 6
Identity by Committee by Scott Skinner-Thompson, discussion by Kendra AlbertRoom 7
Anticompetitive-by-Design: Preventing Dark Patterns in Data Sharing by Gabriel Nicholas, discussion by Mihir KshirsagarRoom 8
Democratic Algorithms by Hannah Bloch-Wehba, discussion by Neil RichardsRoom 9
Public Undersight by Christina Koningisor, discussion by Kathy StrandburgRoom 10
4:15 PM – 7:15 PM Post-Proceedings
4:15 PM – 5:15 PM Junior scholar mentoring session. Hosted by Julie Cohen and Bill McGeveran Room 1
5:15 PM – 6:15 PM Virtual reception on
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Virtual game night. Hosted by Laura MoyRoom 1

Day 2 – Friday June 4th, 2021

NOTE: All times are U.S. Eastern Time (ET)

9:45 AM – 10:45 AM 5th Session 
Speaking Through Documentation: How Government Employees Resist Enforced Secrecy by danah boyd, discussion by Amy Kristin Sanders Room 1
Telling the Truth about Compelled Encryption and the Contents of the Mind by Aloni Cohen, Sarah Scheffler, and Mayank Varia, discussion by Bryan ChoiRoom 2
Judging Offensiveness: A Rubric for Privacy Torts by Alissa Del Riego and Patricia Sanchez Abril, discussion by Scott Skinner-ThompsonRoom 3
Private Systems and Artificial Life by Sebastian Benthall, discussion by Peter SwireRoom 4
The Vulnerable Data Subject: A Gendered Data Subject? by Gianclaudio Malgieri and Gloria González Fuster, discussion by Kristen ThomasenRoom 5
Data Governance Through Data Intermediaries: Landscaping and Legal Implications by Heleen Janssen, Chris Reed, and Jatinder Singh, discussion by Danielle D’OnfroRoom 6
The Right to Data Access: A Million-Website Comparative Analysis of GDPR and CCPA Implementations by Ross Teixeira, Gunes Acar, and Jonathan Mayer, discussion by Jef Ausloos Room 7
Bias Preservation in Machine Learning: The Legality of Fairness Metrics Under EU Non-Discrimination Law by Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt, and Chris Russell, discussion by Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius Room 8
Why We Should Regulate “Information About Persons” Rather than “Personally Identifiable Information” by Lisa Austin, David Lie, Nicolas Papernot, and Aleksander Nikolov, discussion by Siona ListokinRoom 9
10:45 AM – 11:15 AM BREAK
10:45 AM – 11:15 AM Take a break or virtually hang out at the Lounge on and meet other attendees
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM 6th Session
The Great Regulatory Dodge by Salome Viljoen, Katherine Strandburg, and Helen Nissenbaum, discussion by Malavika Jayaram Room 1
A Critical Class Analysis of Data-Centric Technologies at the Intersection of Power and Law by Michele Gilman, discussion by Josh FairfieldRoom 2
Software as Credence Good: The Public Interest Argument for Reverse Engineering by Michael Specter and Andrew Sellars, discussion by Asaf lubinRoom 3
Criminal History Information, Clean Slate Reforms, and the American Way of Data Privacy by Sarah Lageson and Alessandro Corda, discussion by Bernard Chao Room 4
Discredited Data by Ngozi Okidegbe, discussion by Megan StevensonRoom 5
Do Data Breach Notification Laws Reduce Medical Identity Theft? byAniket Kesari, discussion by Annie BousteadRoom 6
Deepfake Privacy Norms by Matthew Kugler and Carly Pace, discussion by Kirsten MartinRoom 7
Can an Algorithm be too Accurate? by Aileen Nielsen, discussion by Daniel SusserRoom 8
Privacy Harms by Danielle Citron and Daniel Solove, discussion by Ignacio CofoneRoom 9
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Lunchtime Break
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Check the #meetups channel on Slack to see who is interested in meeting up 
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM 7th Session
Punitive Surveillance by Kate Weisburd, discussion by Matthew ToksonRoom 1
Framing Data Privacy as a Civil Right: From Neoliberal Privacy to Privacy Justice by Jeeyun Sophia Baik, discussion by Denise AnthonyRoom 2
Safety as Privacy by Michael Froomkin, Phillip Arencibia, and Zak Colangelo, discussion by Andrea MatwyshynRoom 3
Mental Data Protection Regulation by Gianclaudio Malgieri and Marcello Ienca, discussion by Kiel Brennan-MarquezRoom 4
What do Privacy Surveys Actually Measure? Distinguishing Attitude, Preference, Concern, Expectation, Decision, and Behavior by Jessica Colnago, Lorrie Cranor, Alessandro Acquisti, and Kate Stanton, discussion by Matthew KuglerRoom 5
Nudging Humans by Brett Frischmann, discussion by HC RobinsonRoom 6
Chilling Effects as Social Conformity: Some Implications by Jon Penney, discussion by Ronnell Andersen JonesRoom 7
The Politics of Differential Privacy by Jayshree Sarathy, discussion by Steve BellovinRoom 8
The Scale and the Reactor by Ryan Calo, discussion by Julie CohenRoom 9
Auditing for Bias in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads by Basi Imana, Aleksandra Korolova, and John Heidemann, discussion by Janine HillerRoom 10
2:15 PM – 2:45 PM BREAK
2:15 PM – 2:45 PM Take a break or virtually hang out at the Lounge on and meet other attendees
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM 8th Session
The Challenge for Cities of Governing Spatial Data Privacy by Feiyang Sun and Jan Whittington, discussion by Ellen P. GoodmanRoom 1
Suspect Development Systems: Databasing Marginality and Enforcing Discipline by Rashida Richardson and Amba Kak, discussion by Margaret Hu and Kristin JohnsonRoom 2
False Flags: Rejecting Remote Proctoring Software and Other Surveillance Technologies in Higher Education by Lindsey Barrett, discussion by Elana ZeideRoom 3
Europeanization of Policy Implementation? A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of Data Protection Authorities’ enforcement styles post-GDPR by Ido Sivan-Sevilla, discussion by Jessica ColnagoRoom 4
Pursuing Usable and Useful Data Downloads Under GDPR/CCPA Access Rights via Co-Design by Blase Ur, Sophie Veys, Daniel Serrano, Madison Stamos, Margot Herman, Nathan Reitinger, and Michelle Mazurek, discussion by Joris van HobokenRoom 5
Juror Interpretations of Metadata and Content Information: Implications for the “Going Dark” Debate by Annie Boustead and Matthew Kugler, discussion by Rebecca WexlerRoom 6
Health Data Federalism by Craig Konnoth, discussion by Sharona HoffmanRoom 7
The Implications of the First Amendment for American Privacy Legislation by Ryan Harkins, discussion by Hannah Bloch-WehbaRoom 8
Exploring Privacy Law as a Victim of Legal Endogeneity: Using Institutional Theory to Understand Practitioner Agency within Institutions by Jillian Kwong, discussion by Ari WaldmanRoom 9
3:45 PM – 4:00 PM Closing Remarks and Thank YousRoom 1

Conference Attendees

First NameLast NameInstitution
PatriciaAbrilUniversity of Miami Herbert Business School
AlessandroAcquistiCarnegie Mellon University
KendraAlbertHarvard Law School
RonNellAndersen JonesUniversity of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law
MariaAngelUW Tech Policy Lab
DeniseAnthonyUniversity of Michigan
PhillipArencibiaUniversity of Miami School of Law
JefAusloosUniversity of Amsterdam – IViR
LisaAustinUniversity of Toronto
JeeyunBaikUniversity of Southern California
EroBalsaCornell Tech
SolonBarocasMicrosoft Research and Cornell University
LindseyBarrettGeorgetown University Law Center
JoelBasogaUganda Christian University
StevenBellovinColumbia University
SebastianBenthallNYU School of Law
MayaBernsteinU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
ClaraBerridgeUniversity of Washington
ElettraBiettiHarvard Law School
MichaelBirnhackTel Aviv University
JodyBlankeMercer University
HannahBloch-WehbaTexas A&M University School of Law
AnnieBousteadUniversity of Arizona
CourtneyBowmanPalantir Technologies
danahboydMicrosoft Research / Data & Society
TravisBreauxCarnegie Mellon University
KielBrennan-MarquezUniversity of Connecticut School of Law
JillBronfmanCommon Sense Media
MarkBurdonQueensland University of Technology
AlbertCahnYale Law School
RyanCaloUniversity of Washington
I BennettCapersFordham Law School
RaulCarrilloYale Law School
ErinCarrollGeorgetown Law
BernardChaoUniversity of Denver Sturm College of Law
BryanChoiOhio State University
Madiha ZahrahChoksiColumbia University, Cornell University
DanielleCitronUniversity of Virginia School of Law
KeithClayton IIMicrosoft
DamianCliffordAustralian National University
IgnacioCofoneMcGill University
JulieCohenGeorgetown Law
AloniCohenBoston University (Hariri Institute for Computing / School of Law)
TeganCohenQueensland University of Technology
JessicaColnagoCarnegie Mellon University
AlessandroCordaQueen’s University Belfast School of Law
EllaCorrenBerkeley Law
JulianaCottoFuture of Privacy Forum
LorrieCranorCarnegie Mellon University
CatherineCrumpUC Berkeley. School of Law
JamesCummingsBoston University
H BryanCunninghamUC Irvine
DanielleD’OnfroWashington University in St. Louis
XinDaiPeking University Law School
AlissaDel RiegoUniversity of Miami
JolynnDellingerDuke Law
MeganDoerrSage Bionetworks
NickDotyUC Berkeley, School of Information
EvelynDouekHarvard Law School
PaulEpodoiUganda Christian University
SarahEskensVrije Universiteit Amsterdam
JoshuaFairfieldW&L University School of Law
YanFangUniversity of California, Berkeley
AndrewFergusonAmerican University Washington College of Law
MailynFidlerUniversity of Nebraska College of Law
JensFrankenreiterColumbia Law School
BarryFriedmanPolicing Project at NYU Law
BrettFrischmannVillanova University
MichaelFroomkinUniversity Of Miami School Of Law
RobertGellmanPrivacy and Information Policy Consultant
FarshadGhodoosiCalifornia State University, Northridge
MicheleGilmanUniversity of Baltimore School of Law
MelissaGoldsteinGeorge Washington University
GloriaGonzález FusterVrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB=
EllenGoodmanRutgers Law
AyeletGordon-TapieroHebrew University in Jerusalem
LaurynGouldinSyracuse University College of Law
JamesGravesFederal Communications Commission
BenGreenUniversity of Michigan
Wendy M.Grossmann/a
DavidGruberUniversity of Graz
PatriciaHagemanWashington University Cordell Institute
ThomasHaleyUniversity of Virginia School of Law
JosephHallInternet Society
GautamHansVanderbilt Law School
RyanHarkinsSeattle University School of Law
WoodrowHartzogNortheastern University
StevenHazelFederal Courts
NataliHelbergerUniversity of Amsterdam
BrittanHellerFoley Hoag LLP
DeborahHellmanUniversity of Virginia
JustinHemmingsPrivacy & Civil Liberties Oversight Board
MargotHermanUniversity of Chicago
JonathanHeuselWashington University Cordell Institute
JanineHillerVirginia Tech
DennisHirschThe Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
SharonaHoffmanCase Western Reserve University School of Law
MargaretHuPenn State Law and School of International Affairs
JamieHuangUS Department of Justice
KirstyHughesUniversity of Cambridge
BasielalImanaUniversity of Southern California
HeleenJanssenUniversity of Cambridge
MalavikaJayaramDigital Asia Hub/Berkman Klein Center
ElizabethJohUC Davis
KristinJohnsonEmory University School of Law
DonnaJonesUniversity of Memphis School of Law
MegJonesCCT Georgetown University
ThomasKadriUniversity of Georgia School of Law
AmbaKakAI Now Institute, NYU
MargotKaminskiColorado Law
GirardKellyCommon Sense Media
OrinKerrUniversity of California, Berkeley Law School
CameronKerryThe Brookings Institution
AniketKesariYale/UC Berkeley
LaurenKilgourCornell University
PaulineKimWashington University School of Law
ChristinaKoningisorBerkeley Law School
CraigKonnothColorado Law
AleksandraKorolovaUniversity of Southern California
AleksandraKorolovaUniversity of Southern California
JoshuaKrollNaval Postgraduate School
BrendenKuerbisSchool of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
MatthewKuglerNorthwestern Pritzker School of Law
I. ElizabethKumarUniversity of Utah
JillianKwongUniversity of Southern California
SarahLagesonRutgers University School of Criminal Justice
FilippoLancieriThe University of Chicago Law School
SusanLandauTufts University
SophiaLeeUniversity of Pennsylvania Law School
RonLeeArnold & Porter
BrendaLeongFuture of Privacy Forum
KarenLevyCornell University
TiffanyLiBoston University School of Law
WenlongLiUniversity of Birmingham
IlariaLiccardiMassachusetts Institute of Technology
DavidLieUniversity of Toronto
KatrinaLigettHebrew University
RebeccaLipmanCity of New York, Law Department
SionaListokinGeorge Mason University
AsafLubinIndiana University Maurer School of Law
MedhaMakhloufPenn State Dickinson Law
GianclaudioMalgieriEDHEC Business School / Vrije Universiteit Brussels
KirstenMartinUniversity of Notre Dame
AliceMarwickUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
AaronMasseyUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County
HideyukiMATSUMIVrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
AndreaMatwyshynPenn State Law/ Penn State Engineering
MichelleMazurekUniversity of Maryland
WilliamMcGeveranUniversity of Minnesota Law School
JasmineMcNealyUniversity of Florida
EdwardMcNicholasRopes & Gray / GWU School of Law
EmilyMcReynoldsResearch @ Facebook
DavidMedineMedine Consulting
ChristopherMillardQueen Mary University of London
BrentMittelstadtOxford University
LauraMoyGeorgetown University Law Center
MiltonMuellerGeorgia Institute of Technology
ScottMulliganSkidmore College
MichalinaNadolna PeetersVrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussel; BE0449012406
ArvindNarayananPrinceton University
BryceNewellUniversity of Oregon
NoraNi LoideainInformation Law & Policy Centre, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London
GabrielNicholasNYU Information Law Institute
AileenNielsenETH Zurich
AleksandarNikolovUniversity of Toronto
HelenNissenbaumCornell Tech
AndrewOdlyzkoUniversity of Minnesota
NgoziOkidegbeYeshiva University, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
MarianaOliverNorthwestern University School of Law
PeterOrmerodWestern Carolina University
BrianOwsleyUNT Dallas College of Law
PrzemysławPałkaJagiellonian Law
NicolasPapernotUniversity of Toronto
SusanParkBoise State University
FrankPasqualeBrooklyn Law School
JonPenneyOsgoode Hall Law School / Citizen Lab, University of Toronto / Harvard BKC
NajarianPetersUniversity of Kansas
julespolonetskyFuture of Privacy Forum
KeithPorcaroDuke Law School
KennethProppGeorgetown University Law Center
SarahRadwayColumbia University/Tufts University
NatalieRamUniversity of Maryland Carey School of Law
AngieRaymondOstrom Workshop
PriscillaReganGeorge Mason University
DiannaReuterChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia
NeilRichardsWashington University in St. Louis
RashidaRichardsonRutgers Law School & Northeastern University
HCRobinsonNortheastern University
AlexRosenbergerUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
IraRubinsteinNYU Law School
DavidRudolphLieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein
ChrisRussellAmazon Tubingen
JadSalemGeorgia Institute of Technology
BaileySanchezFuture of Privacy Forum
AmySandersUniversity of Texas at Austin
MadelynSanfilippoUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
JayshreeSarathyHarvard University
SarahSchefflerBoston University
LaurenScholzFlorida State University College of Law
DawnSchraderCornell University
VictoriaSchwartzPepperdine University Rick J Caruso School of Law
AndrewSelbstUCLA School of Law
AndrewSellarsBoston Universtiy School of Law
StuartShapiroMITRE Corporation
SupreethShastriUniversity of Iowa
KatieShiltonUniversity of Maryland, College Park
AlexisShoreBoston University
YanShvartzshnaiderLassonde School of Engineering, York University
JatSinghUniversity of Cambridge
IdoSivan-SevillaUniversity of Maryland, College Park
ScottSkinner-ThompsonUniversity of Colorado Law School
RobertSloanUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
AliciaSolow-NiedermanHarvard Law School
AmandaStanhausUniversity of Michigan
MeganStevensonUniversity of Virginia School of Law
AndrewStiversNERA Economic Consulting
LiorStrahilevitzUniversity of Chicago Law School
KatherineStrandburgNew York University School of Law
FeiyangSunUniversity of Washington
DanielSusserPenn State University
Christian WieseSvanbergDanish Ministry of Defense
MarikaSwanbergBoston University
PeterSwireGeorgia Tech
ShauhinTaleshUniversity of California-Irvine
RossTeixeiraPrinceton University
KristenThomasenPeter A Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia
I. IndiaThusiIndiana University Maurer School of Law (starting June)
MatthewToksonUniversity of Utah
CharlotteTschiderLoyola University Chicago School of Law
AlexanderTsesisLoyola School of Law
BlaseUrUniversity of Chicago
JeffreyVagleGeorgia State University College of Law
Marvinvan BekkumRadboud University Nijmegen
Jorisvan HobokenUniversity of Amsterdam
RoryVan LooBoston University School of Law
AmeliaVanceFuture of Privacy Forum
AmeliaVanceFuture of Privacy Forum
MayankVariaBoston University
SureshVenkatasubramanianUniversity of Utah
SophieVeysUniversity of Chicago
SalomeViljoenNYU Law / Cornell Tech
SandraWachterUniverity of Oxford
KentWadaUCLA Office of Advanced Research Computing
AriWaldmanNortheastern University
JordanWallace-WolfUCLA Law School
LoganWarbergCarnegie Mellon University
RichardWarnerChicago-Kent College of Law
KateWeisburdGW Law
KevinWerbachWharton School, University of Pennsylvania
SusannneWetzelStevens Institute of Technology
RebeccaWexlerBerkeley Law
JanWhittingtonUniversity of Washington
CHRISTOPHERWOLFFuture of Privacy Forum
VilhelmWoltzMassachusetts Institute of Technology
RichmondWongUniversity of California Berkeley
AlexandraWoodBerkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
FelixWuCardozo School of Law
SvetlanaYakovlevaInstitute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam
KarenYeungUniversity of Birmingham
TalZarskyUniversity of Haifa – Faculty of Law
ElanaZeideUniversity of Nebraska
JanetZhangColumbia University
FrederikZuiderveen BorgesiusiHub, Radboud University