The 14th annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference occurred on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 and Friday, June 4th, 2021.
Day 1 – Thursday June 3rd, 2021
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM What’s New at PLSC: Ari Waldman, Northeastern University, PLSC Chair | Room 1 |
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM Welcome: Julie Cohen & Paul Ohm, Georgetown University, PLSC 2021 Hosts | Room 1 |
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM First Session | |
Surveillance and the Tyrant Test by Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, discussion by Rebecca Lipman | Room 1 |
Reckoning with Roots: Constitutional Privacy and White Supremacy by Sophia Lee, discussion by Mariana Oliver | Room 2 |
Data Protection in Africa: An Appraisal of the Data Protection and Privacy Act of Uganda by Joel Basoga and Paul Epodoi, discussion by Przemyslaw Palka | Room 3 |
Empowering Digital Decisions: Designing Mobile Location-Based Services for Informed Location Data Disclosure by Alexis Shore and James Cummings, discussion by Lorrie Cranor | Room 4 |
“In the Wild’ Trials of Live Facial Recognition Technology by Police: Why Responsible Trial Protocol is Urgently Needed and What They Should They Require? by Wenlong Li and Karen Yeung, discussion by Anne Washington | Room 5 |
Rethinking Platform Power by Mark Burdon and Tegan Cohen, discussion by Evelyn Douek | Room 6 |
Gender as Emotive AI and the Case of Nadia: Regulatory and Ethical Implications by Rachel Adams, Nora Ni Loidean, and Damian Clifford, discussion by Brenda Leong | Room 7 |
Privacy, Practice, and Performance by Ari Waldman, discussion by Salome Viljoen | Room 8 |
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM BREAK | |
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Take a break or virtually hang out at the Lounge on and meet other attendees | |
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 2nd Session | |
The Aftermath of Carpenter: An Empirical Study of Federal and State Fourth Amendment Decisions, 2018-2021 by Matthew Tokson, discussion by Bennett Capers | Room 1 |
Bedazzle, Inscribe, Flaunt: Electronic Ankle Monitors and Intentional Information Disclosures as Resistance Practices by Lauren Kilgour, discussion by Jasmine McNealy | Room 2 |
A Constitutional Case for Peace in the “War on Cash” by Raul Carrillo, discussion by Kate Weisburd | Room 3 |
Privacy Governance in Contact Tracing Apps: A Comparative International Study by Alex Rosenberger,Madelyn Sanfilippo, and Yan Shvartzshnaider, discussion by Madiha Zarah Choksi | Room 4 |
The GDPR and the Free Flow of Personal Data: The Tale of Persistent Borders by Michalina Nadolna Peeters, discussion by Michael Birnhack | Room 5 |
Coca Cola Curses: Dangerous Hate Speech in a Postcolonial Context by Brittan Heller, discussion by Kirsty Hughes | Room 6 |
Making Data Private – and Excludable: A New Approach to Understanding the Role of Encryption in the Digital Political Economy by Brenden Kuerbis and Milton Mueller, discussion by Sebastian Benthall | Room 7 |
The Surprising Virtues of Data Loyalty by Woodrow Hartzog and Neil Richards, discussion by Lauren Scholz | Room 8 |
The Constitutionality of Data Privacy as Transparency Law by Margot Kaminski, discussion by Gautam Hans | Room 9 |
Healthcare Sanctuaries by Medha Makhlouf, discussion by Craig Konnoth | Room 10 |
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Lunchtime Break | |
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Junior scholar mentoring session. Hosted by Neil Richards | Room 1 |
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM Listening session about current and future changes/goals of PLSC. Hosted by Ari Waldman | Room 2 |
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM 3rd Session | |
A Partial Property Rights Theory of the Fourth Amendment: Getting to Privacy More Reasonably by Mailyn Fidler, discussion by Peter Ormerod | Room 1 |
Privacy as/and Civil Rights by Tiffany Li, discussion by Thomas Kadri | Room 2 |
America’s Hidden National DNA Database by Natalie Ram, discussion by Barry Friedman | Room 3 |
How the GDPR Champions Freedom of Expression and Information by Jef Ausloos, discussion by Margot Kaminski | Room 4 |
Making Artificial Intelligence Transparent: Privacy Fairness, and the Problem of Proxy Variables by Richard Warner and Robert Sloan, discussion by Emily McReynolds | Room 5 |
Solving the Hiring Paradox: A Method to Address Bias in the Hiring Process Within the Law by Jad Salem, Swati Gupta, and Deven Desai, discussion by Pauline Kim | Room 6 |
Virtual Classrooms and Real Harms by Shaanan Cohney, Ross Teixeira, Anna Kohlbrenner, Arvind Narayanan, Mihir Kshirsagar, Madelyn Sanfilippo, and Yan Shvartzshnaider, discussion by Angie Raymond | Room 7 |
Regulating Digital Contact Tracing for Communicable Diseases by Sarah Eskens and Natali Helberger, discussion by Jules Polonetsky | Room 8 |
Surveying Surveillance: A National Study of Police Department Surveillance Technologies by Mariana Oliver and Matthew Kugler, discussion by Victoria Schwartz | Room 9 |
How (Not) to Write a Privacy Law by Julie Cohen, discussion by Cam Kerry | Room 10 |
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM BREAK | |
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM Take a break or virtually hang out at the Lounge on and meet other attendees | |
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM 4th Session | |
Katz as Originalism by Orin Kerr, discussion by I. India Thusi | Room 1 |
Race-Aware Algorithms: Fairness, Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action by Pauline Kim, discussion by Deborah Hellman | Room 2 |
The Cures Act API Rule: Implications for Health Information in terms of Access, Privacy, and Competitive Practices by Amanda Stanhaus and Denise Anthony, discussion by Charlotte Tschider | Room 3 |
Narrowing Data Protection’s Enforcement Gap by Filippo Lancieri, discussion by Justin Hemmings | Room 4 |
The Technologization of Insurance: An Empirical Analysis of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Privacy and Cybersecurity by Shauhin Talesh and Bryan Cunningham, discussion by Katie Shilton | Room 5 |
The Legal Construction of Black Boxes: How Machine Learning Practice Informs Foreseeability by Andrew Selbst, Suresh Venkatasubramanian, and I. Elizabeth Kumar, discussion by Frank Pasquale | Room 6 |
Identity by Committee by Scott Skinner-Thompson, discussion by Kendra Albert | Room 7 |
Anticompetitive-by-Design: Preventing Dark Patterns in Data Sharing by Gabriel Nicholas, discussion by Mihir Kshirsagar | Room 8 |
Democratic Algorithms by Hannah Bloch-Wehba, discussion by Neil Richards | Room 9 |
Public Undersight by Christina Koningisor, discussion by Kathy Strandburg | Room 10 |
4:15 PM – 7:15 PM Post-Proceedings | |
4:15 PM – 5:15 PM Junior scholar mentoring session. Hosted by Julie Cohen and Bill McGeveran | Room 1 |
5:15 PM – 6:15 PM Virtual reception on | |
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Virtual game night. Hosted by Laura Moy | Room 1 |
Day 2 – Friday June 4th, 2021
NOTE: All times are U.S. Eastern Time (ET)
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM 5th Session | |
Speaking Through Documentation: How Government Employees Resist Enforced Secrecy by danah boyd, discussion by Amy Kristin Sanders | Room 1 |
Telling the Truth about Compelled Encryption and the Contents of the Mind by Aloni Cohen, Sarah Scheffler, and Mayank Varia, discussion by Bryan Choi | Room 2 |
Judging Offensiveness: A Rubric for Privacy Torts by Alissa Del Riego and Patricia Sanchez Abril, discussion by Scott Skinner-Thompson | Room 3 |
Private Systems and Artificial Life by Sebastian Benthall, discussion by Peter Swire | Room 4 |
The Vulnerable Data Subject: A Gendered Data Subject? by Gianclaudio Malgieri and Gloria González Fuster, discussion by Kristen Thomasen | Room 5 |
Data Governance Through Data Intermediaries: Landscaping and Legal Implications by Heleen Janssen, Chris Reed, and Jatinder Singh, discussion by Danielle D’Onfro | Room 6 |
The Right to Data Access: A Million-Website Comparative Analysis of GDPR and CCPA Implementations by Ross Teixeira, Gunes Acar, and Jonathan Mayer, discussion by Jef Ausloos | Room 7 |
Bias Preservation in Machine Learning: The Legality of Fairness Metrics Under EU Non-Discrimination Law by Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt, and Chris Russell, discussion by Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius | Room 8 |
Why We Should Regulate “Information About Persons” Rather than “Personally Identifiable Information” by Lisa Austin, David Lie, Nicolas Papernot, and Aleksander Nikolov, discussion by Siona Listokin | Room 9 |
10:45 AM – 11:15 AM BREAK | |
10:45 AM – 11:15 AM Take a break or virtually hang out at the Lounge on and meet other attendees | |
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM 6th Session | |
The Great Regulatory Dodge by Salome Viljoen, Katherine Strandburg, and Helen Nissenbaum, discussion by Malavika Jayaram | Room 1 |
A Critical Class Analysis of Data-Centric Technologies at the Intersection of Power and Law by Michele Gilman, discussion by Josh Fairfield | Room 2 |
Software as Credence Good: The Public Interest Argument for Reverse Engineering by Michael Specter and Andrew Sellars, discussion by Asaf lubin | Room 3 |
Criminal History Information, Clean Slate Reforms, and the American Way of Data Privacy by Sarah Lageson and Alessandro Corda, discussion by Bernard Chao | Room 4 |
Discredited Data by Ngozi Okidegbe, discussion by Megan Stevenson | Room 5 |
Do Data Breach Notification Laws Reduce Medical Identity Theft? byAniket Kesari, discussion by Annie Boustead | Room 6 |
Deepfake Privacy Norms by Matthew Kugler and Carly Pace, discussion by Kirsten Martin | Room 7 |
Can an Algorithm be too Accurate? by Aileen Nielsen, discussion by Daniel Susser | Room 8 |
Privacy Harms by Danielle Citron and Daniel Solove, discussion by Ignacio Cofone | Room 9 |
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Lunchtime Break | |
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Check the #meetups channel on Slack to see who is interested in meeting up | |
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM 7th Session | |
Punitive Surveillance by Kate Weisburd, discussion by Matthew Tokson | Room 1 |
Framing Data Privacy as a Civil Right: From Neoliberal Privacy to Privacy Justice by Jeeyun Sophia Baik, discussion by Denise Anthony | Room 2 |
Safety as Privacy by Michael Froomkin, Phillip Arencibia, and Zak Colangelo, discussion by Andrea Matwyshyn | Room 3 |
Mental Data Protection Regulation by Gianclaudio Malgieri and Marcello Ienca, discussion by Kiel Brennan-Marquez | Room 4 |
What do Privacy Surveys Actually Measure? Distinguishing Attitude, Preference, Concern, Expectation, Decision, and Behavior by Jessica Colnago, Lorrie Cranor, Alessandro Acquisti, and Kate Stanton, discussion by Matthew Kugler | Room 5 |
Nudging Humans by Brett Frischmann, discussion by HC Robinson | Room 6 |
Chilling Effects as Social Conformity: Some Implications by Jon Penney, discussion by Ronnell Andersen Jones | Room 7 |
The Politics of Differential Privacy by Jayshree Sarathy, discussion by Steve Bellovin | Room 8 |
The Scale and the Reactor by Ryan Calo, discussion by Julie Cohen | Room 9 |
Auditing for Bias in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads by Basi Imana, Aleksandra Korolova, and John Heidemann, discussion by Janine Hiller | Room 10 |
2:15 PM – 2:45 PM BREAK | |
2:15 PM – 2:45 PM Take a break or virtually hang out at the Lounge on and meet other attendees | |
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM 8th Session | |
The Challenge for Cities of Governing Spatial Data Privacy by Feiyang Sun and Jan Whittington, discussion by Ellen P. Goodman | Room 1 |
Suspect Development Systems: Databasing Marginality and Enforcing Discipline by Rashida Richardson and Amba Kak, discussion by Margaret Hu and Kristin Johnson | Room 2 |
False Flags: Rejecting Remote Proctoring Software and Other Surveillance Technologies in Higher Education by Lindsey Barrett, discussion by Elana Zeide | Room 3 |
Europeanization of Policy Implementation? A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of Data Protection Authorities’ enforcement styles post-GDPR by Ido Sivan-Sevilla, discussion by Jessica Colnago | Room 4 |
Pursuing Usable and Useful Data Downloads Under GDPR/CCPA Access Rights via Co-Design by Blase Ur, Sophie Veys, Daniel Serrano, Madison Stamos, Margot Herman, Nathan Reitinger, and Michelle Mazurek, discussion by Joris van Hoboken | Room 5 |
Juror Interpretations of Metadata and Content Information: Implications for the “Going Dark” Debate by Annie Boustead and Matthew Kugler, discussion by Rebecca Wexler | Room 6 |
Health Data Federalism by Craig Konnoth, discussion by Sharona Hoffman | Room 7 |
The Implications of the First Amendment for American Privacy Legislation by Ryan Harkins, discussion by Hannah Bloch-Wehba | Room 8 |
Exploring Privacy Law as a Victim of Legal Endogeneity: Using Institutional Theory to Understand Practitioner Agency within Institutions by Jillian Kwong, discussion by Ari Waldman | Room 9 |
3:45 PM – 4:00 PM Closing Remarks and Thank Yous | Room 1 |
Conference Attendees
First Name | Last Name | Institution |
Patricia | Abril | University of Miami Herbert Business School |
Alessandro | Acquisti | Carnegie Mellon University |
Kendra | Albert | Harvard Law School |
RonNell | Andersen Jones | University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law |
Maria | Angel | UW Tech Policy Lab |
Denise | Anthony | University of Michigan |
Jocelyn | Aqua | PwC |
Phillip | Arencibia | University of Miami School of Law |
Jef | Ausloos | University of Amsterdam – IViR |
Lisa | Austin | University of Toronto |
Jeeyun | Baik | University of Southern California |
Ero | Balsa | Cornell Tech |
Solon | Barocas | Microsoft Research and Cornell University |
Lindsey | Barrett | Georgetown University Law Center |
Joel | Basoga | Uganda Christian University |
Steven | Bellovin | Columbia University |
Sebastian | Benthall | NYU School of Law |
Maya | Bernstein | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Clara | Berridge | University of Washington |
Elettra | Bietti | Harvard Law School |
Michael | Birnhack | Tel Aviv University |
Jody | Blanke | Mercer University |
Hannah | Bloch-Wehba | Texas A&M University School of Law |
Annie | Boustead | University of Arizona |
Courtney | Bowman | Palantir Technologies |
danah | boyd | Microsoft Research / Data & Society |
Travis | Breaux | Carnegie Mellon University |
Kiel | Brennan-Marquez | University of Connecticut School of Law |
Jill | Bronfman | Common Sense Media |
Mark | Burdon | Queensland University of Technology |
Albert | Cahn | Yale Law School |
Ryan | Calo | University of Washington |
I Bennett | Capers | Fordham Law School |
Raul | Carrillo | Yale Law School |
Erin | Carroll | Georgetown Law |
Bernard | Chao | University of Denver Sturm College of Law |
Bryan | Choi | Ohio State University |
Madiha Zahrah | Choksi | Columbia University, Cornell University |
Danielle | Citron | University of Virginia School of Law |
Keith | Clayton II | Microsoft |
Damian | Clifford | Australian National University |
Rena | Coen | Rakuten |
Ignacio | Cofone | McGill University |
Julie | Cohen | Georgetown Law |
Aloni | Cohen | Boston University (Hariri Institute for Computing / School of Law) |
Tegan | Cohen | Queensland University of Technology |
Jessica | Colnago | Carnegie Mellon University |
Alessandro | Corda | Queen’s University Belfast School of Law |
Ella | Corren | Berkeley Law |
Juliana | Cotto | Future of Privacy Forum |
Lorrie | Cranor | Carnegie Mellon University |
Catherine | Crump | UC Berkeley. School of Law |
James | Cummings | Boston University |
H Bryan | Cunningham | UC Irvine |
Danielle | D’Onfro | Washington University in St. Louis |
Xin | Dai | Peking University Law School |
Alissa | Del Riego | University of Miami |
Jolynn | Dellinger | Duke Law |
Will | DeVries | |
Dissent | Doe, PhD | |
Megan | Doerr | Sage Bionetworks |
Nick | Doty | UC Berkeley, School of Information |
Evelyn | Douek | Harvard Law School |
Paul | Epodoi | Uganda Christian University |
Sarah | Eskens | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Joshua | Fairfield | W&L University School of Law |
Yan | Fang | University of California, Berkeley |
Andrew | Ferguson | American University Washington College of Law |
Mailyn | Fidler | University of Nebraska College of Law |
Jens | Frankenreiter | Columbia Law School |
Barry | Friedman | Policing Project at NYU Law |
Brett | Frischmann | Villanova University |
Michael | Froomkin | University Of Miami School Of Law |
Robert | Gellman | Privacy and Information Policy Consultant |
Farshad | Ghodoosi | California State University, Northridge |
Michele | Gilman | University of Baltimore School of Law |
Sue | Glueck | Microsoft |
Melissa | Goldstein | George Washington University |
Gloria | González Fuster | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB= |
Ellen | Goodman | Rutgers Law |
Ayelet | Gordon-Tapiero | Hebrew University in Jerusalem |
Lauryn | Gouldin | Syracuse University College of Law |
James | Graves | Federal Communications Commission |
Ben | Green | University of Michigan |
Wendy M. | Grossman | n/a |
David | Gruber | University of Graz |
Patricia | Hageman | Washington University Cordell Institute |
Thomas | Haley | University of Virginia School of Law |
Joseph | Hall | Internet Society |
Gautam | Hans | Vanderbilt Law School |
Ryan | Harkins | Seattle University School of Law |
Woodrow | Hartzog | Northeastern University |
Steven | Hazel | Federal Courts |
Natali | Helberger | University of Amsterdam |
Brittan | Heller | Foley Hoag LLP |
Deborah | Hellman | University of Virginia |
Justin | Hemmings | Privacy & Civil Liberties Oversight Board |
Margot | Herman | University of Chicago |
Jonathan | Heusel | Washington University Cordell Institute |
Janine | Hiller | Virginia Tech |
Dennis | Hirsch | The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law |
Sharona | Hoffman | Case Western Reserve University School of Law |
Margaret | Hu | Penn State Law and School of International Affairs |
Jamie | Huang | US Department of Justice |
Kirsty | Hughes | University of Cambridge |
Basielal | Imana | University of Southern California |
Heleen | Janssen | University of Cambridge |
Malavika | Jayaram | Digital Asia Hub/Berkman Klein Center |
Elizabeth | Joh | UC Davis |
Kristin | Johnson | Emory University School of Law |
Donna | Jones | University of Memphis School of Law |
Meg | Jones | CCT Georgetown University |
Thomas | Kadri | University of Georgia School of Law |
Amba | Kak | AI Now Institute, NYU |
Margot | Kaminski | Colorado Law |
Girard | Kelly | Common Sense Media |
Orin | Kerr | University of California, Berkeley Law School |
Cameron | Kerry | The Brookings Institution |
Aniket | Kesari | Yale/UC Berkeley |
Lauren | Kilgour | Cornell University |
Pauline | Kim | Washington University School of Law |
Christina | Koningisor | Berkeley Law School |
Craig | Konnoth | Colorado Law |
Aleksandra | Korolova | University of Southern California |
Aleksandra | Korolova | University of Southern California |
Joshua | Kroll | Naval Postgraduate School |
Mihir | Kshirsagar | Princeton-CITP |
Brenden | Kuerbis | School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Matthew | Kugler | Northwestern Pritzker School of Law |
I. Elizabeth | Kumar | University of Utah |
Jillian | Kwong | University of Southern California |
Sarah | Lageson | Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice |
Filippo | Lancieri | The University of Chicago Law School |
Susan | Landau | Tufts University |
Sophia | Lee | University of Pennsylvania Law School |
Ron | Lee | Arnold & Porter |
Brenda | Leong | Future of Privacy Forum |
Karen | Levy | Cornell University |
Tiffany | Li | Boston University School of Law |
Wenlong | Li | University of Birmingham |
Ilaria | Liccardi | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
David | Lie | University of Toronto |
David | Lieber | TikTok |
Katrina | Ligett | Hebrew University |
Rebecca | Lipman | City of New York, Law Department |
Siona | Listokin | George Mason University |
Asaf | Lubin | Indiana University Maurer School of Law |
Lance | Mabry | IDEM |
Medha | Makhlouf | Penn State Dickinson Law |
Gianclaudio | Malgieri | EDHEC Business School / Vrije Universiteit Brussels |
Kirsten | Martin | University of Notre Dame |
Alice | Marwick | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Aaron | Massey | University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
Hideyuki | MATSUMI | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) |
Andrea | Matwyshyn | Penn State Law/ Penn State Engineering |
Michelle | Mazurek | University of Maryland |
William | McGeveran | University of Minnesota Law School |
Jasmine | McNealy | University of Florida |
Edward | McNicholas | Ropes & Gray / GWU School of Law |
Emily | McReynolds | Research @ Facebook |
David | Medine | Medine Consulting |
Christopher | Millard | Queen Mary University of London |
Brent | Mittelstadt | Oxford University |
Laura | Moy | Georgetown University Law Center |
Milton | Mueller | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Scott | Mulligan | Skidmore College |
Michalina | Nadolna Peeters | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussel; BE0449012406 |
Arvind | Narayanan | Princeton University |
Bryce | Newell | University of Oregon |
Nora | Ni Loideain | Information Law & Policy Centre, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London |
Gabriel | Nicholas | NYU Information Law Institute |
Aileen | Nielsen | ETH Zurich |
Aleksandar | Nikolov | University of Toronto |
Helen | Nissenbaum | Cornell Tech |
Andrew | Odlyzko | University of Minnesota |
Ngozi | Okidegbe | Yeshiva University, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law |
Mariana | Oliver | Northwestern University School of Law |
Peter | Ormerod | Western Carolina University |
Brian | Owsley | UNT Dallas College of Law |
Przemysław | Pałka | Jagiellonian Law |
Nicolas | Papernot | University of Toronto |
Susan | Park | Boise State University |
Frank | Pasquale | Brooklyn Law School |
Jon | Penney | Osgoode Hall Law School / Citizen Lab, University of Toronto / Harvard BKC |
Najarian | Peters | University of Kansas |
jules | polonetsky | Future of Privacy Forum |
Keith | Porcaro | Duke Law School |
Kenneth | Propp | Georgetown University Law Center |
Sarah | Radway | Columbia University/Tufts University |
Natalie | Ram | University of Maryland Carey School of Law |
Daniel | Rauch | Unaffiliated |
Angie | Raymond | Ostrom Workshop |
Priscilla | Regan | George Mason University |
Dianna | Reuter | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia |
Neil | Richards | Washington University in St. Louis |
Rashida | Richardson | Rutgers Law School & Northeastern University |
HC | Robinson | Northeastern University |
Alex | Rosenberger | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Ira | Rubinstein | NYU Law School |
David | Rudolph | Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein |
Chris | Russell | Amazon Tubingen |
Jad | Salem | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Bailey | Sanchez | Future of Privacy Forum |
Amy | Sanders | University of Texas at Austin |
Madelyn | Sanfilippo | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Jayshree | Sarathy | Harvard University |
Sarah | Scheffler | Boston University |
Lauren | Scholz | Florida State University College of Law |
Dawn | Schrader | Cornell University |
Victoria | Schwartz | Pepperdine University Rick J Caruso School of Law |
Elaine | Sedenberg | |
Andrew | Selbst | UCLA School of Law |
Andrew | Sellars | Boston Universtiy School of Law |
Stuart | Shapiro | MITRE Corporation |
Supreeth | Shastri | University of Iowa |
David | Shekman | TBD |
Katie | Shilton | University of Maryland, College Park |
Alexis | Shore | Boston University |
Yan | Shvartzshnaider | Lassonde School of Engineering, York University |
Dayo | Simms | TikTok |
Jat | Singh | University of Cambridge |
Ido | Sivan-Sevilla | University of Maryland, College Park |
Scott | Skinner-Thompson | University of Colorado Law School |
Robert | Sloan | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Daniel | Solove | TeachPrivacy |
Alicia | Solow-Niederman | Harvard Law School |
Michael | Specter | MIT |
Amanda | Stanhaus | University of Michigan |
Megan | Stevenson | University of Virginia School of Law |
Andrew | Stivers | NERA Economic Consulting |
Lior | Strahilevitz | University of Chicago Law School |
Katherine | Strandburg | New York University School of Law |
Feiyang | Sun | University of Washington |
Daniel | Susser | Penn State University |
Christian Wiese | Svanberg | Danish Ministry of Defense |
Marika | Swanberg | Boston University |
Peter | Swire | Georgia Tech |
Shauhin | Talesh | University of California-Irvine |
Ross | Teixeira | Princeton University |
Kristen | Thomasen | Peter A Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia |
I. India | Thusi | Indiana University Maurer School of Law (starting June) |
Matthew | Tokson | University of Utah |
Charlotte | Tschider | Loyola University Chicago School of Law |
Alexander | Tsesis | Loyola School of Law |
Blase | Ur | University of Chicago |
Jeffrey | Vagle | Georgia State University College of Law |
Marvin | van Bekkum | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Joris | van Hoboken | University of Amsterdam |
Rory | Van Loo | Boston University School of Law |
Amelia | Vance | Future of Privacy Forum |
Amelia | Vance | Future of Privacy Forum |
Mayank | Varia | Boston University |
Suresh | Venkatasubramanian | University of Utah |
Sophie | Veys | University of Chicago |
Salome | Viljoen | NYU Law / Cornell Tech |
Sandra | Wachter | Univerity of Oxford |
Kent | Wada | UCLA Office of Advanced Research Computing |
Jennifer | Wagner | Geisinger |
Ari | Waldman | Northeastern University |
Jordan | Wallace-Wolf | UCLA Law School |
Logan | Warberg | Carnegie Mellon University |
Richard | Warner | Chicago-Kent College of Law |
Anne | Washington | NYU |
Kate | Weisburd | GW Law |
Kevin | Werbach | Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania |
Susannne | Wetzel | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Rebecca | Wexler | Berkeley Law |
Jan | Whittington | University of Washington |
Shane | Witnov | |
CHRISTOPHER | WOLF | Future of Privacy Forum |
Vilhelm | Woltz | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Richmond | Wong | University of California Berkeley |
Alexandra | Wood | Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University |
Allison | Woodruff | |
Felix | Wu | Cardozo School of Law |
Svetlana | Yakovleva | Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam |
Karen | Yeung | University of Birmingham |
Tal | Zarsky | University of Haifa – Faculty of Law |
Elana | Zeide | University of Nebraska |
Janet | Zhang | Columbia University |
Carleen | Zubrzycki | Harvard |
Frederik | Zuiderveen Borgesius | iHub, Radboud University |